Taking care of the Eastern Suburbs for over 25 years.
Sydney Osteopathy has 6 therapists each with 12 to 30 years experience in the industry. We offer the highest level of care with treatment being tailored to your specific needs to get you back to being better sooner.
Our Story
Sydney Osteopathy was originally founded by Osteopath Bruce Lang in 1997. The practice has 6 practitioner Osteopaths, Sian Dawson, Marcus Araujo, Daniel Turner, Bruce Lang, Colleen Kent and Massage Therapist Shayne Prziedziecka.
Sydney Osteopathy offers various treatment approaches through our different practitioners so that you can find a treatment approach that suits you best.
With 6 practitioners you can easily get an appointment when needed and usually on the same day. We have an online booking system that allows you to book an appointment at any time.
Sydney osteopathy is located in the heart of Bondi Junction, across from the Westfield with free two hour parking. We are also right next to the Bondi Junction bus and train station so getting to us could not be easier.
Our Services
Manual therapy that improves health across all body systems by manipulating and strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
Dry Needling
Is the insertion of acupuncture needles to decrease pain, reduce tightness, and improve range of motion and function.
Remedial Massage
Is a complementary therapy that aims to treat muscles that are damaged, knotted, tense or immobile.
Infared Lights
A new and innovative light-based method to treat pain and inflammation and aims to enhance cell regeneration.
Shock Wave Therapy
Is a non-invasive, effective solution to pain relief, improve range of motion and stimulate healing to injured tissues.
Our Team
We are a team of multi-discplinary practitioners that all have a variety of hands on treatment approaches. All practitioners have a minimum of 10 years experience.
Currently we have 5 osteopaths and 1 massage therapist working at Sydney Osteopathy.
We have practitioners available 7 days a week so you should always be able to get an appointment with someone when you need it!
Our appointments start at 8am and the last of the day is often 6:30pm.
Clinic location and entrance details
We are located right next door to the Bondi Junction train and bus interchange and across the road from Bondi Junction Westfield at Suite 403, Level 4, 2 Grosvenor St Bondi Junction.
We are easy to get to by train, bus or car. Westfield shopping centre has free 2 hour parking.
What we treat
Osteopaths treat more than you think!
Our treatment approaches are suitable for problems from the feet to your head. Osteopathy can also be used as a proactive treatment that helps your body move and feel better. You don't need to be injured or in pain to see an osteopath. A large portion of our patients come in to the clinic several times a year to loosen their joints and muscles as they deal with the physical stresses that life throws at them.
We treat a variety of conditions such as headaches, frozen shoulder, plantar fascitis, osteoarthritis, oeadaches, numbness and tingling, sciatic type pain, chronic pain, sprained ankles, whiplash injuries, golfers/tennis elbow and a whole lot more.
If you aren't sure osteopathy is right for you feel free to call or email us and we'll let you know if osteopathic treatment is an appropriate choice.
Our Rates
Initial 30 min Consultation
This appointment is best suited for acute injuries or single area injuries.
30 mins | $135 | Book Now
Initial 1 hour Consultation
This appointment is best suited for chronic injuries or multiple areas of concern.
60 mins | $255 | Book Now
30 min follow up Consultation
30 mins is the standard follow up appointment time. This is adequate to address your initial treatment and best suited for single areas of concern.
30 mins | $120 | Book Now
1 hour follow up Consultation
This is a full hour follow up which is best suited for multiple areas of concern or complex cases.
60 mins | $240 | Book Now
1 Hour Remedial Massage
This is a one hour consultation with Shayne Przezdziecka. This treatment may include infrared light therapy if requested as part of the one hour treatment at no extra charge.
60 mins | $140 | Book Now
30 min Infared Light Therapy
This is a 30 minute session under the infrared light only. No manual therapy or massage is part of this treatment.
30 mins | $85 | Book Now
Shock Wave Therapy
This is a session of shock wave therapy with Marcus Araujo or Daniel Turner in conjunction with osteopathic treatment.
$135, $120 follow up | Book Now
Bruce Lang Osteopath and Massage Assistant
In this appointment you will be seen by Bruce Lang osteopath and a remedial massage therapist who will work under instructions from Bruce then you will receive osteopathic treatment from Bruce Lang.
30 mins | $120 | Book Now
Bruce Lang Osteopath
In this appointment you will be seen solely by Bruce Lang for the full 30 mins.
30 mins | $150 | Book Now